Slovakian Gypsy Jazz. The band Maringotka won the young talent competition at our festival last year. It means for them main stage this year. 

After last year's hugely successful two-month Triple Jump tour, the multi-genre trio is coming to the stage of Bratislava Jazz Days Slovenská sporiteľňa. They will add brand new compositions to their already known repertoire.

Artists TBA. The competition is still runnig, we add the talents two weeks before the festival.

The young jazzrock trio Fridge Aside comes from Slovakia. They performance own compositions and stuff from Pat Metheny, Victor Bailey and John Scofield.

The Quintet of Sisa Fehérová is a band crossing jazz, blues and alternative music. In their repertoire you can be introduced to original songs and imaginative arangments of jazz and anti-jazz compositions. Music full of tense and emotions led by energic smooth voice of Sisa, supported by soulful guitar of Tony Dlapa and perceptive play of pianist Federico De Vittor. 

Skupina Bashavel sa zrodila v roku 2006 ako spoločný projekt popredných slovenských hudobníkov, ktorí predtým spolupracovali v rôznych jazzových aj viacžánrových formáciách ako Pacora Trio, či NBS trio. Svojou hudobnou rečou nadväzuje na ľudové hudobné tradície. Cimbal, klavír, bicie, kontrabas a husle vytvárajú z ľudových piesní a motívov mnohoraké nálady, farby a rytmy, ktoré sa pohybujú na rozmedzí viacerých žánrov.

Zuzana Mikulcová is a young Slovak jazz singer. Three years ago she won the competition "New Faces of Slovak Jazz".

Sanyland is a band of jazz, blues, folk and funk influenced players, led by the singer and composer Sany Grék, who is a well known figure in the local fusion scene since the early nineties.

AMC Trio is the internationally most successful Slovak jazz band, known for collaborations with Ulf Wakenius and Randy Brecker. Mark Whitfield is an American hard bop and soul-jazz guitarist, known for his recordings as bandleader for both the Verve and Warner Bros. record labels

Singer, composer and producer Nina Kohout is one of the most prominent figures on the contemporary domestic music scene. She enchanted us all a year ago, at the Open-air Jazz Days in Rusovce. Nina is releasing her debut album this month, it's time for her to perform on our main stage.

Artists TBA. The competition is still runnig, we add the talents two weeks before the festival.