Jaromír Honzák co-founded the group Naima, which fast became one of the most significant Czech jazz groups of the 1980s. Throughout the years he has appeared with international artists such as Art Farmer, Phil Wilson, Don Friedman, Alan Praskin, Giovanni Basso, Amina Claudine Myers and Victor Lewis. 

Nový projekt českého speváka Vojtecha Dyka a dvojnásobného držiteľa Grammy Ondřeja Pivca má korene v Brooklyne, kde spoločne s prvotriednymi americkými hudobníkmi vznikla unikátna nahrávka. Repertoár D.Y.K. naživo videli diváci premiérovo len na piatoch českých letných festivaloch. Na našom festivale bude ešte neopozeranou novinkou.


The Quintet of Sisa Fehérová is a band crossing jazz, blues and alternative music. In their repertoire you can be introduced to original songs and imaginative arangments of jazz and anti-jazz compositions. Music full of tense and emotions led by energic smooth voice of Sisa, supported by soulful guitar of Tony Dlapa and perceptive play of pianist Federico De Vittor. 

Emil Viklický is a worldwide famous Czech pianist and composer. His jazz is under the strong influence of Moravian folklore harmonies. He is composing and performing contemporary music and film music too.

One of the last years performances of his trio was voted by the All About Jazz page as one of the twelve best jazz concerts of the year. 

Petra Vlková is an extremely talented Czech singer. Her style is acoustic jazz-pop. Amongst her own compostitions she's performing special versions of The Beatles and Queen songs..

Czech rapper, producer and director Paulie Garand with his band, presenting his Acoustic project.