Hviezdy slovenského jazzu


The first night of our festival is a great opportunity to discover almost all the top jazz players and bands of Slovakia. The two hours long showcase comes without changeovers between the acts - there would be two stages on the podium.

Lineup of the Slovakian Stars of Jazz showcase:

Anton Jaro Projekt
Jozef Döme Trio – K. Kováč piano, P. Korman double bass

Pacora Trio

Sisa Michalidesová – Expresie

Hanka Gregušová Jazz Band – R. Ragan double bass, Š. Bugala percussion, O. Krajňák piano, M. Ševčík drums

Milo Suchomel – Jazz In The City

Stanislav Počaji & Juraj Schweigert Duo

Eugen Botoš Finally

Boris Cellar Trio feat. Lucia Lužinská 

Peter Lipa Band

Adriena Bartošová – J. Burian guitar, G. Jonáš piano, I. "Ajdži" Sabo drums, R. Ragan double bass

Juraj Griglák & Company – J. Griglák bass, Š. Bugala vibes, M. Bugala guitar, M. Valihora drums